
A Conversation with Sophie Harrison

Wednesday 21st June, 6pm, University Arms Library.

Join us in our Library as we welcome author Sophie Harrison who will be discussing her book The Cure for Good Intentions: A Doctor's Story which is all about a life-changing decision. Sophie gave up her job as an editor at a prestigious literary magazine and put herself through medical school and hospital training before eventually becoming a GP. From peaceful office days spent writing tactful comments on manuscripts she entered a world that spoke an entirely different language. She was now inside scenes familiar from television and books - long corridors, busy wards, stern consultants, anxious patients - but what was her part in it all? Back in the community as a brand-new GP, the same question grew ever more pressing. Sophie will talk about her journey from editor to doctor, and about the confusing, fascinating and challenging world of contemporary medicine.

Sophie Harrison is a GP in Cambridge. She was previously the author of 'The Doctor' column in the Financial Times magazine. She has written for the Guardian, the Sunday Times, the New York Times and The London Review of Books.

All are welcome. Please RSVP to events@universityarms.com