
Princess: The Early Life of Queen Elizabeth II

Join us in our library at 7pm on Wednesday 14th September, when guests can meet author Jane Dismore discuss her book Princess: The Early Life of Queen Elizabeth II.

Princess looks afresh at the Queen's early years, using interviews with friends who have known her since childhood and material from little-known archives. It traces how a country-loving girl, who became Heiress Presumptive at the age of ten, was equipped to cope so dutifully with her role as monarch. Here are the events that influenced her life, the people who shaped her future and the Prince who would support her through it. Princess was a source for the ITV documentary Our Queen at War.

Jane Dismore is a biographer and freelance history writer. In May 2022, Jane was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, in recognition of her contribution to historical scholarship. Her books include Tangled Souls: Love and Scandal among the Victorian Aristocracy and Duchesses: Living in 21st Century Britain, the first book to examine the lives of today’s non-royal duchesses. Jane also writes features for newspapers, magazines and websites. She is a member of the Society of Authors, the Biographers’ Club and the Historical Writers’ Association. Jane lives in Hertfordshire. 

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