Jake Fiennes is on a mission to change the face of the English countryside. Join us to find how farming can save Britain's countryside.
Monday 17th October, 6:30-7:30pm, University Arms.
As Conservation Manager at Holkham in Norfolk, one of the country's largest historic country estates, Jake Fiennes radical habitat restoration and agricultural work has nurtured its species and risen its crop yields - bringing back wetlands, hedgerows, birds and butterflies over 25,000 acres of land.
Land Healer is the story of Fienne's ambition to bring back our flora and fauna - by reclaiming our traditions and trialling new experiments which could restore our symbiosis with our land, and save our shared future. A unique combination of nature writing and environmental manifesto, of passion and policy, it's a rally cry for rethinking our relationship with the natural world before it's too late.
'We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to readdress the balance, where our agricultural food systems can make space for nature. I've witnessed the demise of our natural environment and i've repeatedly brought nature back; it really is possible!' Jake Fiennes
Visit cambridgeliteraryfestival.com for further information.